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Tour Time #3 - The Baton-Twirling Octagenarian
My batons disappeared after one of my shows, so my sweet husband ordered me a couple more and had them sent to Corinne's house, my...

#2 Tour Time Story
Brandon...Lakeland...Deltona....Deland, Florida! When booking this tour, I "cold-called" several preschools in Deland. One of the...
#1 Tour Time Story
THIS IS A SLIDESHOW. CLICK ON FIRST PICTURE TO VIEW! I thought it would be fun to share stories from my tour, so here goes! I had a...

"Mrs. Kate" Carpenter
May 12, 20243 min read
Benjie's Story
Hello, my name is Benjie Haynie and I am a not-so-handy-capped crusader! I will turn 45 on May 29th. Shortly before my first birthday, I...
1 comment

"Mrs. Kate" Carpenter
Apr 14, 20222 min read
Brooke the Magic Roadie
The year was 2012. I was pulling into the parking lot of the Callahan, FL Public Library and there was a family hopping into their van...
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